Thursday, December 21, 2006

Church Home

Well, it would seem that I have FINALLY found a church home. I have been attending a church where I really enjoyed the teaching, but there was no fellowship for me. I would stand in the foyer after the service waiting for my children and scanning the faces to see someone I recognized or someone to strike conversation with, but I never managed to be successful. I joined the singles group, but found that the entire focus of the "studies" was how to find a mate. I really wanted in-depth discussion and just found this to be a disappointment.

I tried attending the church my parents go to, but I found that although it has a very vibrant senior community, there was little for me there.

So, I decided to try Crestwicke Baptist Church. I have been going for two months now. I have met more people there than I ever met at my previous church home. I am involved in the praise group both singing and on trumpet. I feel at home there as the music is a combination of hymns and praise.

I know many people have prayed for this for me. Thank you so much for your prayers. God is good!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Nativity Story

Went to see The Nativity Story last night with the kids and my parents. It was fantastic! We really enjoyed ourselves. Too bad the only showing time at the theatre was the un-family friendly time of 9:45 PM, which was prefaced by 15 minutes of commercials and trailers.

By all means, if you can stay up late enough to go see this movie (I napped before going) do it. It's a great way to remember the reason for the season.

Clouds to share with Paul

See Paul, you're not the only one with the cloud fettish. You are, however, the one who has a camera permanently attached so that you actually capture such events AND you're out of the house all the time whereas I'm always in the house. In fact, I took these pictures from inside my house.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dominican Republic here I come!

Yippee! My girlfriend Margie is taking me to the DR from December 30 - January 6. I am sooooo excited! We're staying at the Riu Taino Hotel. I've started shopping for new summer clothes as all mine are too big right now. They might not be after a week at an all-inclusive resort.

What a week!

This week has been just full of ups and downs. On Monday my cousin Tawnya called to say that she and my aunt Janice were going to fly from Saint John to visit us from Wednesday to Friday. We were so good at keeping this a secret from Mom. I drove to Hamilton Wednesday morning to pick them up and drove like a mad woman to get them to Guelph quickly. To our surprise and dismay, Mom wasn't even home when we got here. She was extremely surprised, however, when she came in and was greeted by Janice. Good fun I tell ya.

My sister-in-law Jenn was here with the babies to see Jan and Tawn, but she really wasn't feeling well, nor was Mercy, her daughter. Jen went to the clinic that afternoon and was told she had pneumonia. I convinced Luke that it wouldn't be wise for her to join us for dinner as she was not well. I think he was a little hurt and thought it was a personal thing, but the girl was just not well I tell ya. He soon discovered this when she fell when trying to get into their house because she was so weak.

Luke brought Nadja and Mercy to us so he could take Jen to a clinic again. We took the babies and headed to Swiss Chalet. While there, we noticed that Mercy was extremely unwell. Her eyes were rolling back into her head and she was quite fevered. Mom packed babies up and she and Dad went searching for Luke and Jen. They found out that Jen had been seen and was told she probably didn't have pneumonia, but to go home and rest.

Thursday Luke took the day off to take care of his family. Sometime during the day Jen went to the hospital to have Mercy looked at. She was pale, limp, not breathing well and her eyes were watery and glazed. Apparently, the staff at the hospital told Jen she'd better register as well because they didn't think she looked well and they wanted to run tests on both of them. By 2:45 Luke was told that Mercy was being released, but they were keeping Jen. We all (me, Mom, Janice, Tawnya, Luke and Nadja) piled into Mom's station wagon and dropped Luke and Nadja at the hospital to pick up Mercy and his van. He had to get meds for the kids, so Dad went out to Luke's house to help him for the evening.

Friday we found out that Jen has Influenza A and was being moved to a room. I started out at 8:00 am to drive Jan and Tawn to the airport along with Mom, only to get a call that their flight had been cancelled. Around we turned to get home and find that Nadja had just thrown up and Luke was feeling miserable. I took Nadja's temperature which was well over 39. I took her to hospital to be checked out. They put us in a room immediately that was completely enclosed. They said she likely had the flu, but that it wasn't bad enough for her to require being admitted. I got in the car with her to head home and squeezed some hand sanitizer out of the bag I keep in the car, only to have it explode all over me. I was well sanitized as was the interior of my car!

I got home and told Luke that he and his girls needed to go home to get well because I really didn't think it was wise for them to stay at our house and guarantee that we all get it. Dad has been there taking care of them and Mom's been back and forth. Jen's still in right now as her blood pressure is still too low for them to release her.

I've taken bleach to the house and am praying that the girls and I don't pick this up. Jan and Tawn's rescheduled flight was cancelled yesterday as well and they were finally able to board a plane this morning and go home. Their visit was not nearly what they expected, I'm sure.

Please pray for our family that those who are ill will recover quickly and that the remaining healthy ones do not get this illness.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bad brownies??

Becky worked hard by herself to bake brownies today. She needs them for Wednesday for a bake sale at school for band. I'm telling you, the entire house has smelled like brownies since around 6:30.

Well, she cut them up at 9:00 and tried to lift them out of the pan only to have them come out unevenly thus rendering them useless for the bake sale. Awwwww! A good mother would feel really bad (and I do on some level I'm sure), but man they are good. These are wicked chocolate brownies that, if they don't disappear soon, will cause me to have a bad weigh in this week.

Of course, being the good mother I am, I have promised to make her some chocolate chip cookie dough tomorrow so she can make cookies after school since we're going to our first ladies choir rehearsal at church tomorrow night. Here's hoping they turn out or I'll be making a trip to Zehrs to buy baked goods for her to sell.

Martha, care to Purolator some of your muffins this way??

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Okay, so I'm done my courses but I'm not officially done until March. So, I thought maybe I should start looking for a job. What's the worst that can happen right? I can get a job and start paying OSAP back sooner.

Well, I sent a random resume out yesterday to a company that didn't even have a job listed. Lo and behold I had a call back that they had a job and wondered if I might be interested. Today I met with them, gave them a rather high salary estimate considering the scope of the job and they didn't bat an eyelash. They just want me to get back to them tomorrow.

So, here's the dilemma. The job is not my dream job, but the company has room for advancement. Also, I'm not sure that less than 24 hours of prayer is adequate. I just don't know that I should be rushing God's answer. Perhaps I already have the answer, but I dunno what it is. Ack!

Who'd have thunk?


PS Down another 2.8 for a total of 21.6. Oh yeah!!!!

Monday, October 09, 2006


I love the show Survivor. I have often thought it would be a good experience (and a wonderful diet) to have the opportunity to try to survive in the wilderness. For some reason, this isn't what comes to mind for me.

Wonderful photography skills of my daughters

The benefits of a digital camera are many, not the least of which is the ability to delete pictures like these.

Shannon was so enthralled with the fall colours (which were somewhat muted in my opinion) that she was snapping pictures left right and centre. Think I'll have to wait until she has forgotten the day to delete them.

Good mother or just a pushover?

Okay, so I gave in and bought these for my girls:

They are knock-offs so I can't spout any medicinal purpose for the purchase. They were bought, pure and simple, to make my kids happy.

Enough said!

PS Paul, SHUT UP!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Desperately seeking . . .

. . . my sanity! For some reason I've actually convinced myself that I would be open to another relationship. In fact, I'm so open to this that I foolishly started looking at singles sites. Truthfully, I'm not desperate at all, but the thought of doing the rest of my life alone is not a thought I'm cherishing. I would like someone to travel with, go to parties with, and to give me a shoulder when needed. I want to grow old with someone who is comfortable sitting on the front verandah reading a book in silence or reminiscing about the good ol' days.

Boy, wish relationships were as rosy and romantic as the picture I have in my head. Perhaps I should spend a day or two with my ex to CURE me of this romantic illusion.


PS Down another 2.4 pounds this week. This is just too easy. Why didn't I try before?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Look at me go . . . literally!!

Well, I'm taking yet another stab at weight loss. Truthfully, every time I have lost it in the past I've found it again and it's brought friends!!! Not this time, however. Mom and I have joined Weight Watchers and we're loving it. I have been at this new "lifestyle" for five weeks now and I've lost 14.8 pounds. Add to that the 5 pounds I lost earlier this summer and I'm down 19.8 pounds since I last saw my doctor. I have been eating more food than ever and I'm losing weight. My girls have both lost a couple pounds as well.

Funny, though, Dad isn't too impressed with our new style of eating. We've been cooking lots of spicy foods like chimichangas and aloo gobi and less large portions of meat. Although he hates our new foods (and thus isn't eating much of them - he's worse than a kid being forced to eat beets) he's been putting a few pounds on.

Goes to show you that you need to keep eating to lose weight!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Sound of Silence

No, I'm not going to give a missive about the Simon and Garfunkle song. As everyone who knows me knows, I live with my parents and my two children. My house almost always has someone home and, thus, there's always the sound of a television, or keyboards clicking etc.

Well, Mom and Dad went to the trailer yesterday and my kids went to their father's last evening. For the first time in a long time I was home alone. Let me tell you, it is a weird feeling after having had people around all the time. It's not something I dislike, however, as I didn't have to make my dinner until 8:00 last night and I had the Playstation to myself (I had to create noise you see).

Anyhow, I think I'm looking forward to having my two fighting daughters back. Perhaps they'll be getting along today as they prepare their things for school tomorrow. On that note, "It's the most wonderful time of the year". :)

Monday, August 07, 2006


Here's a trend I can do without. It seems that there's a huge client base out there for these ugly garden shoes. I have never seen a commercial for them, but I've heard they're the thing to have. Apparently people are wearing them to work, shopping etc., but I can't help but think it doesn't matter how comfy they are, a pair of Clarks would be just as comfy but would look the part too.

Here's to keeping crocs in the garden and at the cottage where they belong!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Marf!!!!

Recognize anyone here? Betcha most people wouldn't, but Martha should. This was her 12th birthday party on July 21, 1980.

Hmmmmmm . . . how old would that make her today?

Sorry that the picture with me in it wasn't as good. It's a crying shame I can't be seen here as I was the photographer. :D

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bloody power windows

Okay, so I should have known that when my driver side power window was giving me a bit of trouble recently that I shouldn't push my luck during a downpour. However, I'm not one to give up on a challenge and so I went through Tim's yesterday. Yep, pouring rain and my window wouldn't budge. Not a single inch.

I managed, by continuously trying it, to get it up within five minutes or so, but that was most certainly enough to keep me from putting it down again. I called the garage, but they're booked into next week.

Guess that'll keep me out of the drive through . . . for now!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The church today

Yesterday, as my mother and I were travelling to the trailer, we were discussing my failed marriage. Good travelling topic and one to get me just a little hyped up. Anyhow, one thing led to another and we got to discussing how little support I got from the church I was attending at the time. My ex and I went for counselling and I was told how I could change to get him to stay home instead of philandering. I left that church when we split, and he and his girlfriend continued to go there and the church never, to my knowledge, ever addressed the fact that he had cheated on his wife and family and how inappropriate it was for him to be living with this woman.

I have since that time attended another church, but I have not felt like I was in fellowship there. I mean, I could walk in and walk out without anyone knowing I was present. It has been a disappointment in many ways, but I stayed because the sermons were great and I enjoyed the praise music. Recently, however, my brother and his wife were having issues with one of the congregants of my church and they went to the pastoral staff for assistance in mediating a solution. They were basically told that the church would not pick sides, but that they believed the congregant's version of events.

My problem with all this is that I'm not seeing churches (i.e. the body of believers) who are getting close enough to each other to see when a member is hurting or one who is really struggling with their walk. Why is it that I have not been at this church for many months now and nobody has called to see if I'm okay or alive? I was even in a life group, and the members of that group haven't noticed I'm missing either (or if they have, they haven't let on that they have).

We are working so hard at bringing people to Christ and into our churches, but are we seeing when they are in need of encouragement? Are we doing life together or are we all just marching to our own drum?

I dunno, perhaps I'm just a cynic, but I am seeking a church that not only has solid biblical teaching, but has a strong component of fellowship. We need strong leaders in these churches who will hold their congregants accountable. We also need other believers to do life with and to hold each other accountable.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Proud soccer mom

I just need a moment to gloat here. My daughter Rebecca, who plays on Guelph's U13 girls rep soccer team, scored two goals tonight. Now, that might not seem like a huge accomplishment, but she's always been a defensive player and for the last couple games they've moved her to mid-field. She's tearing it up out there. Of course, those two goals look really impressive when you add to them the one she scored earlier in the year . . . mostly because her team has only scored five goals in total this season.

I'm so proud.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Italy vs ?

Wow! What a semi-final today between Italy and Germany. Honestly, I'm sad to see Germany is out of it, but I'm relieved it didn't go to penalty kicks. I think that has to be the saddest way to finish a game.

Tomorrow's semi between Portugal and France should be just as good. They've both knocked out extremely tough teams to get to this semi. Unfortunately for them, one will not go to the final!

Sadly, Canada is just not a soccer country . . . yet! I think it's coming, but I won't lay odds as to when or even if I'll be alive to see it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer solstice

Well, I've never . . . actually, I guess I can now say I have!! This weekend at the "camp" we could hear some mighty bizarre hootin' and hollerin' from the Outdoor Education Centre along with the beating of drums. As my parents and I discussed this we figured it sounded like a group of witches. I decided not to point this out to my daughters for fear it would scare them.

Imagine my surprise when another child at the playground told them about the "white witches" up at the centre! Is it just me, or is a witch a witch? If you don't worship God, then you worship satan.

It most certainly opened up the dialogue . . . with everyone for the entire weekend.

Can't help but say I was curious about what they were doing chanting at 4:00 a.m., but I wasn't curious enough to get close. I was creeped out incredibly and was blasting my praise music in the car every time I went through their sales tents full of new age "stuff".

It was (and is) reassuring to know that our God is far stronger than anything satan can send our way. Sadly, they will be returning for the next four years. Guess I won't be rushing up on this weekend annually!

Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup

I must say that I'm LOVING this World Cup so far. I'm thrilled that I have Rogers Digital so I can watch all the games (albeit a day later). The coverage has been wonderful.

I only wish I had a leaning towards a team in specific.

Thomas will be pleased to know that I've got my daughters considering Germany; however, they seem to have their own favourites in Argentina (my youngest Shannon leans this way) and Brazil (Becky can still be trained I'm certain).

I think they're all attractive! :D

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Cute green bug

Just wanted to share this picture of a really neat-looking bug that I saw at our trailer. Truthfully, I took the picture a couple weeks ago since I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger and haven't been able to go up regularly.

Anyone recognize this little guy?

Friday, May 26, 2006

The truth about our "camp"

Well, seems as though being an Easterner is fairly identifiable when the term "camp" is used to describe our trailer. Heard my father use the term today and was called out as an Easterner immediately.

Anyhow, here's the real story of our first weekend at the camp.

We arrived to find our 1979 trailer had a leaky skylight. Yes, this was immediately repairable with duct tape, so we could stay the weekend. We were so excited!

On Saturday, dad decided to get the hot water working. In doing so, we flooded twice (massively) and were just thrilled to get back to where we started . . . running water, albeit cold.

We discovered there are public hot showers, but my daughters also discovered that when you turn the handle the wrong way to turn the water off . . . the handle comes off and water sprays everywhere!

Sunday was relatively uneventful. The trailer is in Mansfield (near Alliston) and we decided to go searching for a buffet to make Dad happy. Found one in Barrie!

Went for a walk with my daughter on Monday, whom I was able to buy a nice pair of rubber boots for on Saturday at Canadian Tire, but their stock was basically gone so although she was dry, my sneakers are still drying I think. Here's an idea of the depth of the water on the "path".

Monday, however, my mother discovered that when you shift to get the toilet paper, the water attachment comes off the toilet and gives a mighty fine spray. Fortunately, my handy father "fixed" it so that when I went, I discovered it to be the coldest bidet I've ever used (also the ONLY bidet I've ever used).

I actually questioned my mother as to whether she had been praying for patience again or something. Seems that every time one of us prays for patience, God tests it. I guess He just decided last weekend was a good time for a pop quiz.

Can't wait to go back tomorrow!!

Future Beautician

Well, my parents bought a trailer and we had our first weekend together in it last week. As it was bloody cold, we had to entertain ourselves indoors. My youngest, Shannon, decided to help my father with his hair.

Isn't she talented?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I take it back!

I think I'd rather be working this week! What a week it has been. Between my two girls they've had five medical appointments of one type or another, three soccer practices, track and field practice, two badminton practices after school and a tournament on Friday, not to mention the soccer tournament in Lincoln this weekend!

Add to all that my parents bought a trailer last weekend so Mom and I have been madly trying to get things in place to get it set up, I babysat Mercy on Monday while Jen and Nadja were in hospital, plus I've been getting ready for a big fund-raising gig this Saturday (where I will run after Shannon's second game on Saturday in Lincoln).

So much for this week of "vacation".

Monday, May 08, 2006

Bad things in threes?

So, of course this was my last week of work, but I got a call on Tuesday that there was an opening for a minor day surgery, I've been waiting for, on Wednesday. I took the day off (again, in my last week) for the surgery. All went well and I was home by 10:30. I had a small nap and awoke to a call from Shannon's school that she had a lunchtime soccer injury and couldn't walk. I loaded her (read lifted) into the car and brought her home. I THEN had an appointment with my GP. I mentioned Shannon's injury and he told me not to take it lightly so I spent 6 1/2 hours in emerg to find out it was really a muscle thing. Needless to say, my day off was long and miserable.

Top this off with a visit to the walk in clinic yesterday with Shannon to find I'm more educated about asthma than the doctor.

NOW . . . my 2 month old niece Nadja has been admitted to hospital with pneumonia or something similar.

Please pray for Nadja that she heals and is released in good time.

Oh, I wish I were eight again!!!!

Happily unemployed!

So, here it is Sunday night (or Monday morning, depending on how you look at it) and I am here under the premise that I do NOT have to get up early to go to work. I am now officially unemployed and have two weeks (potentially . . . another story here) before I start school.

I am very eager about the education part, but poverty isn't at all appealing!

I must be crazy!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter every day?

Well, the Easter weekend is pretty much over for me. The girls are off tomorrow, but I must work. It's been a great weekend. It started with a Good Friday pancake breakfast and church service with reflections on the cross. It ended today with my playing a catholic mass at 9:00, grabbing Becky from our church where she was in nursery for first service and running to join Shannon, my parents and my brother's family at Mom and Dad's church for 11:00 where I could get some spiritual nourishment post-mass. We then came home, had a feast, watched part of video 2 of the Gospel According to Matthew, napped and then watched the rest of video 2.

With all this good Christian fellowship (eating), worship and reflection, I wonder if I can continue to have Easter daily or if in a week or so I'll be back to my content self, having forgotten the discomfort Christ endured for us? Will I continue to be a Peter who knows Jesus, but who will deny him when the chips are down?

I know only time will tell, but I am certain of one thing: We, as a Christian family, MUST continue to share the Good News that Jesus Christ DID rise from the dead and that he is sitting on the right hand of God our Father and will return for his flock! Whereas Jesus had such a passion for us, we must continue to do His work on earth and have a passion for lost souls.

May we continue to increase His flock.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Eagle Cam

I've become a bit of an addict to the Eagle Eye Cam from British Columbia. This is just so cool. You just keep watching this mama eagle to see if she moves off the eggs at all, how she's surviving herself etc.


I find it rather frustrating at this time of year that I go to a church that is so 21st century (praise band-no organ) that they don't see a trumpet as a necessity at Easter. So, here we go again. I'm playing in a church in Elora, denomination unknown right now except to say that it will probably be yet ANOTHER boring Easter service. I have had no less than five phone calls from churches as far away as Toronto looking for a player.

I guess I should look at the bright side in that it's a paying gig.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Translating English to German to English

My brother Luke has a friend, Thomas, in Germany who just started a BLOG. Luke forwarded to me the link to it, but translated in English. That was humorous enough, but I noticed in the sidebar that "Luke and Jen" translated to "Hatch and Jen".

Anyhoo, upon clicking that link I found this hilarious translation:

I like of poison...

But, I must admit, I like cake A plumb bob more!!!

I'm telling you, I was laughing so hard when I first saw this, I nearly peed myself.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Small world

I joined (okay I crashed) brunch with my parents, a couple from their church and the guest speaker that attended their church today. There seemed to be a lot of chat about Belleville (where I've been once, briefly) and the churches there. I remembered then, that the couple my parents have recently gotten to know are from the Belleville area.

Flash back to August 2005, when I was in Belleville area, I asked this Paul guy where to go to church there, since it's his hood. He told me the name of a church, which I didn't make it to since I had to pack up my campsite at the campground he told me about and make it to my daughter's soccer game, but he told me he was singing that weekend if I did make it.

Flash forward a little to where Paul confessed to me that all didn't go so well with the singing as he had a technical malfunction at the junction.

Today, I discovered that said couple, Sharon and Harry Hitchin (sp?) not only knew Paul, but they told me what a wonderful singer he is (I can confirm this as I heard him with the Chaps), but they mentioned the last time they heard him sing and the techincal issues that plagued.

Confirmation that God's world is small and yet overall is so big.


Why is it that we, as a huge generality, are so afraid of change? We are so comfortable in our present surroundings and situations, that we're not at all interested in rocking the boat.

Consider me and my job. I work as a receptionist in an accounting firm. I love talking to people daily, so you would think all is tickety boo, but it really isn't. This isn't a job that leaves me feeling fulfilled at the end of day nor does it make me feel financially fulfilled, but that's another story.

So, I'm considering going to school . . . again! Problem is, I'm afraid to upset my comfortable (at least not uncomfortable) life. I'm so afraid of the unknown that I'm not sure I'll take the leap of faith.

Please pray with me that God will make His path known. I believe that He has made it clear that He will not provide another job unless I get some more education, but I don't know if that means He wants me to remain in my present job.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Good News!

My brother Luke and his wife Jen had their second baby girl today, March 5, 2006. Her name is Nadja Praise and she weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz. Now Mercy, who will be one on March 15, is a big sister.

Congratulations Luke and Jen! Love you guys.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Theme song from the movie "Babe"

There's a catchy melody which is repeated throughout the movie Babe. I've always liked it very much. Yesterday, on my classical radio station that I've been listening to online at work I heard the melody done with organ and a brass fanfare.

My question, if anyone has the answer, is whether this tune was stolen for Babe or whether what I heard yesterday was based on the movie, i.e. which came first the tune or Babe?

Thursday, February 09, 2006


How do you comfort someone who doesn't know God? I was speaking to a client today who recently lost her husband and she was so broken. She was sobbing and sounded borderline suicide so I spent some time talking to her. I was trying to offer comfort, but she said she doesn't believe in God. Truly, if you don't believe in God, then there can really be no comfort can there and that's not comforting news for those who need it.

I'm rather distressed about this one. Any advice would be most welcome.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Wayside Chapel

The story of The Wayside Chapel was told to me when I was quite young. I always enjoyed reading it over and over. Last summer I took my kids up to the beach and lo and behold we found The Wayside Chapel. Dad, this one's for you. Happy birthday!!

The Wayside Chapel

"An English schoolteacher, was in Switzerland and looking for a room to rent for when she would begin her teaching there the following fall. She asked the schoolmaster if he would recommed any. He took her to see several rooms, and when everything was settled she returned home to make final preparations for the move. When she arrived home, the thought suddenly occured to her that she had not seen a Water Closet (toilet) around the place. She immediately wrote a note to the schoolmaster asking him if there was a "W.C." near the room.

The schoolmaster was a poor master of english so he asked the parish priest about the meaning of the letters "W.C." and the only solution they could come up with for the letters was "Wayside Chapel". The schoolmaster then wrote the following note to the English lady seeking a "W.C." with her room.

Dear Madam: I take great comfort in informing you that a "W.C." is situated nine miles from the house in the corner of a beautiful grove of pine trees, surrounded by lovely grounds. It is capable of holding 229 people, and it is open on Sundays and Thursdays only. As there are a great many people expected during the summer months, I would suggest that you come early, although there is usually plenty of standing room. This is an unfortunate situation, particularly if you are in the habit of going regularly. You will no doubt be glad to hear that a good many bring their lunch and make a day of it, while others, who can't afford to go by car, arrive just in time. I would especially advise your ladyship to go on Thursdays when there is an organ accompaniest. The acoustics are excellent and even the most delicate sounds can be heared everywhere. It may interest you to know that my daughter was married in the "W.C." and it was there that she met her husband. I can remember the rush there was for seats. There were ten people to a seat usually reserved for one, and it was wonderful to see the expression on their faces.

The newest attraction is a bell, donated by a wealthy resident of the district, which rings every time a person enters. A Bazaar is to be held to raise money for plush seats for all, since the people believe it is a long felt want. My wife is rather delicate so she can't go regularly: it is almost a year since she went last. Naturally it pains her not to be able to go more often. I shall be delighted to reserve the best seat for you, if you wish, where you will be seen by all. For the children there is a special time so that they will not disturb the elders.

Hoping to have been of some service to you, I remain,

Sincerely, The Schoolmaster"

Sunday, January 29, 2006

"peer" pressure

Okay, so I've said before that I gave in to the previous peer pressure to start blogging, but I've hit a dry run. Now, said "peer" (read Paul) has pressured me once again to blog more (I know it was a sad cry for more postings on his blog, but that's another story). So, here I sit at 11:10 on a Sunday night with nothing to say. Okay, truth be told I have lots to say, but nobody really wants to hear any of that stuff I'm sure.

Hmmmm, here's what's on my mind right now: (in a thought balloon) . . . Surely wish I was in bed right now. Yep! It's bloody interesting eh??

Truly, here's what else is on my mind . . . Why can't I eat without getting some of it on my chest? I currently look like a toddler who ate without a bib. I've got drips and drabbles all over me. It was only a burger and salad, but it was surely messy.

I must look into surgical procedures to correct that hole in my bottom lip!

Yes, you (whoever you may be) should currently follow the link from my blog to Paul's to Jamie's to see his wife's wisdom teeth post-pulling. It's definitely easier on the stomach than picturing me eating!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Kid brother embarrassed by me??

Imagine, my kid brother had a link to my blog on his blog and now my link seems to have disappeared. Should I take this personally?

Just because I'm still "undecided" for tomorrow and may vote "Green" to make a point doesn't mean I'm going to hell. Heck, the Liberal government just sent me a random $250 cheque this week to help with my rising utility costs. Guess I should just cash it with the knowledge it's the only one I'm getting right?

Watch out brother! I have old pictures I can scan and post and I'm not afraid to use them. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Skating with the "Stars"?

Last night I caught the first episode in the new "reality" show Skating with the Stars. First of all, Stars is a pretty big stretch. In fact, calling them B list stars would be a stretch in my opinion.

Anyhow, here's the most ridiculous part: The ones who could skate got the lowest marks. It was bizarre and, quite obviously, rigged.

This is NOT a show I think I'll be watching in the future.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The wonderful world wide web

It's amazing to me how well we can get to know a person whom we've never met via the internet. I have a friend whom I've never met (even though he really doesn't live that far away!!), but I really do feel as though he's a friend. Although it seems almost surreal, I will finally meet him tomorrow (unless he somehow worms his way out of a performance).

This person has a passion for hockey so he'd better understand how important it is for me to meet him tomorrow as I was given Guelph Storm tickets and I've given them to my ex-husband because I'm going to this gospel concert.

He'd better really be the bald singing tuba player he claims to be and not be just using that persona online to lure the unsuspecting into friendship! :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


For the record, what skill set does it take to become a school bus driver?

Today, another mild January day, our school buses have been cancelled. Therefore, my one daughter gets to stay home while her younger sister has to go to school since she's a walker. Apparently the country roads are icy, but how, exactly, does this affect the City of Guelph?

Suppose I can call in to work and say since the professional drivers find it too bad to be on the road today it must be too bad for me? In the words of my father, I wouldn't have a chance of a snowball (yep, we tease him incessantly for this bizarre translation).

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Yep, I'm in shape . . . ROUND!!

Okay, so the kids are at soccer practice right now so Mom and I decided to use their PS2 to play Dance Dance Revolution. If you don't know this game, it has dance pads and while the music is playing there are arrows telling you where to step and when.

Once Mom got her balance and stopped hanging off the curtains (which, to our utter embarrassment we realized were open so our neighbours could see our jigglies), we were rolling right along. We danced this song and that (none of the music we recognize however) and were feeling really good about the exercise we got. After our big 7 minute workout (since we could do no more) we realized we had burned off approximately 50 calories and had gone 1/2 a mile. Woo hoo!

How is it that my kids can do this for an hour at a time and make it look so bloody easy?

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Foolish me, I've encouraged my girls to have some friends over later today. Actually, not too much of an issue for me, but possibly for my parents who are running a business from the house. Anyhow, I will be running a little late getting home from work so the girls are going to make mini pizzas with their friends for supper.

We went out last evening to pick up the things for their pizzas and I got into an in-depth argument with Rebecca, my 12-year old, about whether the pitas she was picking up were the same as the ones she had last time we made pizzas. Of course, I was right and she was wrong and I told her to suck it up, stop arguing and let's get that shopping done.

Imagine my surprise when I got home to find out she was right and I was wrong. I did apologize profusely and then offered to buy her back by taking her back to the grocery store to buy that jacket she really wanted.

Imagine if we felt that we had to keep buying back God's forgiveness. I, most certainly, would have nothing left to offer. It really put into perspective for me the grace He shows us by forgiving us when we ask without any strings attached.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Recover? Me?

Okay, story goes like this . . . After my sulking on Sunday morning from my single(s) lack of breakfast I went out for lunch with my children and my parents. I was on an upswing until a large group of the singles came in for lunch too. I mentioned to one of them when he came over to say hi that I was somewhat upset about the morning's situation. He asked me if I was over it and when I said no he said "You should really get over it".

Now, I'm not usually this moody, but I am a woman you must remember, so I became rather teary eyed and decided to quit the singles group. My father, being the "helper" type called the community care director (Brian) at my church! Yes, I was aghast, and yet thankful all at the same time. I told Brian what happened and he suggested I call the person who made the statement and just tell him how it upset me. I did this and received an apology.

A couple hours later I received a call from the apologizer inviting me to come to Celebrate Recovery on Monday night since he thought I might have some other issues to work through. So, I went (reluctantly) with a bit of a chip on my shoulder thinking it probably wasn't really for me. WELL, seems like I'm more screwed up than I thought. There are three women's groups there and I could go to them all.

I have to say that God sure has a way of humbling us when we most need it. Now I'm ready to plunge in and Celebrate Recovery!! :)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

So, I'm starting to like this BLOG thing

Here I go again, less than twelve hours since my last post. However, I am enjoying this. It's so akin to my life just talking with nobody listening.

I went to meet the singles group from church today for New Year's breakfast. Nobody showed up. I mean, c'mon, it was listed in our activities for the month and not a soul showed. Of course, the awkward part is that when you're a single you don't have someone with you to make it appear like you're not a social misfit. So, here I sat on a nice leather couch in the foyer waiting for twenty-five minutes before giving up.

Perhaps I'll make some more of those wings since it's getting closer to lunch now!

The value of Lombardo

Well, my New Year's Eve gig was awful as expected. I played third trumpet with a mediocre (at best) big band under a lead player who was the most timid player I've ever heard. Not surprisingly, his singing is equally as timid.

Anyhow, I played four sets full of Lombardo, waltzes, polkas and the like. It was dreadfully boring. The most exciting part was playing shakers and claves for the latin tunes . . . until the drive home. I was stopped by the RIDE program.

Now, I've only ever been stopped once before by RIDE so I was kind of excited to see them. I had some nice dixie music (courtesy of my friend Darren Arenburg - is that sufficient Darren??) playing in the car that I turned down when they stopped me. The officer told me to turn it back up and a conversation ensued about my awful gig and how eager I was to get home. Mr. Officer said he felt pity for me and that I should hurry home to a glass of wine considering the gig I'd played.

Of course, the other value of Lombardo is the $150 I was handed at the end of the night. SWEET!