Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup

I must say that I'm LOVING this World Cup so far. I'm thrilled that I have Rogers Digital so I can watch all the games (albeit a day later). The coverage has been wonderful.

I only wish I had a leaning towards a team in specific.

Thomas will be pleased to know that I've got my daughters considering Germany; however, they seem to have their own favourites in Argentina (my youngest Shannon leans this way) and Brazil (Becky can still be trained I'm certain).

I think they're all attractive! :D


Luke Coughey said...

I would cheer for Germany, but I'm upset at them for not selecting Thomas Widmer for the team. So, now I'm cheering for T&T...always go with the under dogs.

Angela said...

I'm afraid T&T has as much hope as Serbia and Montenegro . . . NONE!