Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer solstice

Well, I've never . . . actually, I guess I can now say I have!! This weekend at the "camp" we could hear some mighty bizarre hootin' and hollerin' from the Outdoor Education Centre along with the beating of drums. As my parents and I discussed this we figured it sounded like a group of witches. I decided not to point this out to my daughters for fear it would scare them.

Imagine my surprise when another child at the playground told them about the "white witches" up at the centre! Is it just me, or is a witch a witch? If you don't worship God, then you worship satan.

It most certainly opened up the dialogue . . . with everyone for the entire weekend.

Can't help but say I was curious about what they were doing chanting at 4:00 a.m., but I wasn't curious enough to get close. I was creeped out incredibly and was blasting my praise music in the car every time I went through their sales tents full of new age "stuff".

It was (and is) reassuring to know that our God is far stronger than anything satan can send our way. Sadly, they will be returning for the next four years. Guess I won't be rushing up on this weekend annually!

Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup

I must say that I'm LOVING this World Cup so far. I'm thrilled that I have Rogers Digital so I can watch all the games (albeit a day later). The coverage has been wonderful.

I only wish I had a leaning towards a team in specific.

Thomas will be pleased to know that I've got my daughters considering Germany; however, they seem to have their own favourites in Argentina (my youngest Shannon leans this way) and Brazil (Becky can still be trained I'm certain).

I think they're all attractive! :D

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Cute green bug

Just wanted to share this picture of a really neat-looking bug that I saw at our trailer. Truthfully, I took the picture a couple weeks ago since I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger and haven't been able to go up regularly.

Anyone recognize this little guy?