Thursday, December 21, 2006

Church Home

Well, it would seem that I have FINALLY found a church home. I have been attending a church where I really enjoyed the teaching, but there was no fellowship for me. I would stand in the foyer after the service waiting for my children and scanning the faces to see someone I recognized or someone to strike conversation with, but I never managed to be successful. I joined the singles group, but found that the entire focus of the "studies" was how to find a mate. I really wanted in-depth discussion and just found this to be a disappointment.

I tried attending the church my parents go to, but I found that although it has a very vibrant senior community, there was little for me there.

So, I decided to try Crestwicke Baptist Church. I have been going for two months now. I have met more people there than I ever met at my previous church home. I am involved in the praise group both singing and on trumpet. I feel at home there as the music is a combination of hymns and praise.

I know many people have prayed for this for me. Thank you so much for your prayers. God is good!


Paul said...

wow... that is cool...

I've struggled for the past several months, looking to find my place, to worship...

It's very unsettling, to have to wait for that...

I'm glad you've found your nook!:)

Angela said...

Paul, you don't really have a regular "home" so I can see how it might be hard for you to find a place to worship.

You're welcome to come to Guelph!!

Unknown said...

Ang,I went to Crestwicke for the first year I was in Guelph. I really enjoyed that church too. I don't suppose Pastor Stairs is still there. Its been almost 20 years since I attended (ouch!) so I am pretty sure he's not. I think I'll get off this thing and call ya!