Monday, May 08, 2006

Bad things in threes?

So, of course this was my last week of work, but I got a call on Tuesday that there was an opening for a minor day surgery, I've been waiting for, on Wednesday. I took the day off (again, in my last week) for the surgery. All went well and I was home by 10:30. I had a small nap and awoke to a call from Shannon's school that she had a lunchtime soccer injury and couldn't walk. I loaded her (read lifted) into the car and brought her home. I THEN had an appointment with my GP. I mentioned Shannon's injury and he told me not to take it lightly so I spent 6 1/2 hours in emerg to find out it was really a muscle thing. Needless to say, my day off was long and miserable.

Top this off with a visit to the walk in clinic yesterday with Shannon to find I'm more educated about asthma than the doctor.

NOW . . . my 2 month old niece Nadja has been admitted to hospital with pneumonia or something similar.

Please pray for Nadja that she heals and is released in good time.

Oh, I wish I were eight again!!!!

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