Sunday, January 01, 2006

The value of Lombardo

Well, my New Year's Eve gig was awful as expected. I played third trumpet with a mediocre (at best) big band under a lead player who was the most timid player I've ever heard. Not surprisingly, his singing is equally as timid.

Anyhow, I played four sets full of Lombardo, waltzes, polkas and the like. It was dreadfully boring. The most exciting part was playing shakers and claves for the latin tunes . . . until the drive home. I was stopped by the RIDE program.

Now, I've only ever been stopped once before by RIDE so I was kind of excited to see them. I had some nice dixie music (courtesy of my friend Darren Arenburg - is that sufficient Darren??) playing in the car that I turned down when they stopped me. The officer told me to turn it back up and a conversation ensued about my awful gig and how eager I was to get home. Mr. Officer said he felt pity for me and that I should hurry home to a glass of wine considering the gig I'd played.

Of course, the other value of Lombardo is the $150 I was handed at the end of the night. SWEET!

1 comment:

Paul said...

$150 ??????? not even tuba players get paid THAT kind of money!
be glad you got SOMETHING!!

Happy New Year!!!***pm