Sunday, January 01, 2006

So, I'm starting to like this BLOG thing

Here I go again, less than twelve hours since my last post. However, I am enjoying this. It's so akin to my life just talking with nobody listening.

I went to meet the singles group from church today for New Year's breakfast. Nobody showed up. I mean, c'mon, it was listed in our activities for the month and not a soul showed. Of course, the awkward part is that when you're a single you don't have someone with you to make it appear like you're not a social misfit. So, here I sat on a nice leather couch in the foyer waiting for twenty-five minutes before giving up.

Perhaps I'll make some more of those wings since it's getting closer to lunch now!


jamie said...

Maybe you mistook the meeting name. Perhaps it was a 'single' meeting, not a 'singles' meeting. :-)

Angela said...

Hmmmm, perhaps it was a successful meeting then. That's so encouraging! :)