Thursday, January 05, 2006


Foolish me, I've encouraged my girls to have some friends over later today. Actually, not too much of an issue for me, but possibly for my parents who are running a business from the house. Anyhow, I will be running a little late getting home from work so the girls are going to make mini pizzas with their friends for supper.

We went out last evening to pick up the things for their pizzas and I got into an in-depth argument with Rebecca, my 12-year old, about whether the pitas she was picking up were the same as the ones she had last time we made pizzas. Of course, I was right and she was wrong and I told her to suck it up, stop arguing and let's get that shopping done.

Imagine my surprise when I got home to find out she was right and I was wrong. I did apologize profusely and then offered to buy her back by taking her back to the grocery store to buy that jacket she really wanted.

Imagine if we felt that we had to keep buying back God's forgiveness. I, most certainly, would have nothing left to offer. It really put into perspective for me the grace He shows us by forgiving us when we ask without any strings attached.

1 comment:

Paul said...

what an awesome blog .... Sad eh when we're wrong and yet we are SO sure we're right.... tsk....
well.. keep plugging!!!