Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Recover? Me?

Okay, story goes like this . . . After my sulking on Sunday morning from my single(s) lack of breakfast I went out for lunch with my children and my parents. I was on an upswing until a large group of the singles came in for lunch too. I mentioned to one of them when he came over to say hi that I was somewhat upset about the morning's situation. He asked me if I was over it and when I said no he said "You should really get over it".

Now, I'm not usually this moody, but I am a woman you must remember, so I became rather teary eyed and decided to quit the singles group. My father, being the "helper" type called the community care director (Brian) at my church! Yes, I was aghast, and yet thankful all at the same time. I told Brian what happened and he suggested I call the person who made the statement and just tell him how it upset me. I did this and received an apology.

A couple hours later I received a call from the apologizer inviting me to come to Celebrate Recovery on Monday night since he thought I might have some other issues to work through. So, I went (reluctantly) with a bit of a chip on my shoulder thinking it probably wasn't really for me. WELL, seems like I'm more screwed up than I thought. There are three women's groups there and I could go to them all.

I have to say that God sure has a way of humbling us when we most need it. Now I'm ready to plunge in and Celebrate Recovery!! :)

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