Oh my goodness! Where do I start? I think we should have split this week into chapters 1 - 3 and then 4 - 6 next week. There's just soooooo much here. I will just share a bit from each chapter. The best thing about the scriptures is that there is nothing that isn't important and nothing that doesn't apply to us.
Chapter 1:13 - 14 says "Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession". Again here is talk of a seal. What a wonderful promise this is that we have been marked upon our belief. I love the guarantee. It's not a 1 year or 3 year guarantee, but it is a lifetime guarantee. What an awesome God!
Chapter 2:10 reminds me that although I may not like myself much a lot of the time, God chose to make me as He did. I am His workmanship. He makes no mistakes.
2:11 - 22 describes the new covenant with Christ. During the time prior to Jesus' entry and departure the Jews and Gentiles were quite separate. The cross ended this division. These verses describe peace to you who were far away and peace to you who are near. We are united and all can have peace through the cross.
2:22 describes us as a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. I know that much of my behaviour is not at all God-honouring. I must remember that the Holy Spirit dwells in me at all times, even when I'm gossiping, slandering, self-focused etc. I need to clean up the dwelling place of my heart.
3:13 "I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory." I'm not quite sure about this one. It sounds like a statement that would be made to God, but not to other men.
I love the benediction at the end of chapter 3. The statement that He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine is very strong. I cannot imagine what God can do. I know He has made many promises, but my juvenille human mind cannot fathom the full potential. Imagine if we could live life to the fullest! What would this world be like? It sort of reminds me of all the environmental talk of late. We didn't start trying to clean up our act when Kyoto was enacted because it would cost too much and we couldn't do enough because the US wasn't going to participate. If we had done this when it was enacted we would most certainly be seeing results now. It's harder to act upon now, however, because things are worse. I don't want to delay results for God. It's so much more important in the grand scheme of things. Lives are at stake.
4:29 jumps out at me because I am guilty guilty guilty!! Unwholesome talk is just so easy to engage in. I can change this, but I choose not to. This doesn't only take place outside the church but it may even be more commonplace in the church. Think of how many times we have judged another brother or sister and have verbalized it to another church member or worse yet, to someone outside the church. We must choose our words wisely to build one another up. It reminds me of the old saying about not putting your mouth in motion before putting your mind in gear. I MUST start thinking before speaking.
Chapter 5 is getting even heavier. Sexual impurity, greed, obscenity, foolish talk, coarse talk etc. are all being compared to idolatry. These things are NOT God-ordained. I worship God and yet I also worship idols according to this. Yet another area of duality in my life.
Hmmmmm, seeing a pattern here? Yep, we must focus on God. There are no acceptable alternatives when we have chosen to live our lives for Him. He lived here as a perfect example of the life we should live. I'm so not even close.
Chapter 6 lists the items we need to do battle for Christ. Battle? But we're supposed to have it easy once we commit to Christ aren't we? C'mon now God, I am supposed to have eternal peace now. AS IF! We are in the battles of our lives once we commit to joining God's army. He gives us everything we need to fight the battle. We do not need to go out there unprepared . . . but we do! I think back to last week and my realization that I'd never read Haggai. Why not? It's another piece of the equipment God has given me and yet I don't pick up my sword for battle. The enemy is fully equipped as well and not stupid. I am stupid. God picked me, however, a sinful stupid moron to battle for Him. He makes no mistakes, so I have to believe that I can help to win the battle.
Geez my thoughts are disorganized. I am so NOT a writer. If you got to the end of this, I'm impressed!