Sunday, February 11, 2007

Exchange email scanning servers

Okay, so this is a little crazy! I sent an email to a certain tuba-playing friend of mine and was quite disturbed by the fact that he didn't respond to me. I thought, "Hey, guess he's a little overwhelmed by me and yet he can't seem to tell me this".

So, earlier tonight I was looking at my sent emails and wondering why I don't have them set up to automatically delete. While scrolling through I accidentally red flagged one. I decided to look at it (in case I had red flagged it previously for a reason . . . AS IF!) and I discovered that the content of the email wasn't there and that my server did not allow the email to be delivered. It says "REASON::= RACIAL DISCRIMINATION".

For the life of me I couldn't understand what, exactly, I said in that email that might constitute racial discrimination and then I realized I had used the term "redneck". Last I knew that wasn't a race. It's almost as bad as the site I tried to set up a log in for a few years ago that wouldn't let me use ajewell (my first initial and last name) because it contained the word "jew" in it. We're getting just a wee bit over-sensitive here, aren't we????

Sheesh! Next thing you know I won't be able to use tuba-player slurs in public either.

BTW, I did apologize to said low brass player for my negative thoughts about him. Of course, I only apologized for the thoughts relating to his lack of reply to my email and not my general negative thoughts about a trumpet player wannabe.


Paul said...

when you die and go to HEAVEN...... St Peter will welcome you to Heaven and hand you your tuba......Welcome to your REWARD my dear, is what he will say!!!!

Angela said...

Hmmm . . . who's having bizarre dreams now?

Luke Coughey said...

Enough bashing the mail server...I made the necessary corrections. So, let's move on with life.