Sunday, February 25, 2007

BRF - Psalm 119 (should I call this BRSaturday or even BRSunday?)

Oh dear, a sheepish post is coming. I read the scripture daily, but I cannot put into words my thoughts in full.

All I can say is that I'm really pleased that I was given the challenge of reading this scripture daily. What perfect timing was it to read about the love of God's precepts, laws etc. when I was starting a new job and might forget that God is the sole provide of my needs (both physical and spiritual). Heck, I could read these passages daily from here to eternity and never find a day when they do not encourage or apply to my life and yet I am not even close in verbosity (like this new word of mine? A good scrabble word don't ya know) to the author of this book. I will constantly and consistently fall short of the mark.

Thank you to the ladies who started this group to reading our life manual and thank you God for leading me in this direction. Although I may have nothing of value to say or share about your word, you know that it is "a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path". (Can y'all hear Amy Grant singing right now??? Yikes! I might be aging myself here. I know my girls (11 & 13) know the song, but they have not a clue who Amy Grant is. Yet, I digress!)

Back to the scriptures: I love your laws, I love your precepts etc. etc. God, you are awesome! (Anyone who knows me WELL knows I do NOT speak like this) Why not? Because I am NOT in sync with my saviour. I do NOT know Him even remotely like He knows me. I am a mere sinner saved by grace.

Ugh, I'm so off in left field I'm scaring even me!

Bottom line is that I'm reading the scriptures daily now and may or may not have something to write on Fridays (or Saturdays, Sundays etc.) but please know that this is not a failed project. Nothing is truly a failure that has God's word at the centre.


Jenn said...

Believe me, I could hear Amy Grant too :)

I thought your review was SO heart felt and sincere. it's not the length or content of the review, like you said, it's the daily reading of scripture. it took me a few weeks to figure that out too because I am one of those competetive people.

Anonymous said...

It's great to see your review whether it's Sunday or not! It's just so exciting that there are a bunch of us even doing this. Way to go for doing the reading. I know it must be very difficult with children AND a job to go to each day. It's worth it though. :)

Lori said...

Psalms 119:105 is one of my favorite verses!