Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vacation's over!

Well, I am now an employed stiff again. I have taken the job with BMO Nesbitt Burns as an administrative assistant. I start my new job today. There will be some adjusting to do (like getting dressed in the morning), but I am happy to be back to work. I did not have rent money for next month. It would appear that I will now.

Praise God for His perfect timing!


Luke Coughey said...

But who is going to heckle dad?

Lori said...

Congratulations, Angela! The Lord ALWAYS provides! Have fun at the new job! It sounds so official!


Unknown said...

My computer is too slow and my wonderfully witty comments keep disappearing!
Congrats Ang, you'll need the funds for all the new wardrobes you'll need in the future!

Angela said...

Sorry to hear your computer speed has matched your mental speed of late Marf. I'm sure you'll birth another wonder of nature in the brilliance realm who will steal yet another bit of your SANITY!!

Love ya girl!