Of course I do, because as a poverty stricken single mother in 2006 (by choice, of course) I am due a rather nice refund. I even qualified for free tax preparation using Quick Tax Web. I have prepared my own return and am ready to net file it . . . except . . . I can't bloody get it to be accepted at the CRA end.
Okay now, I understand that today is February 28 and there will be many companies filing their T4's, but won't there be many more people filing personal income tax returns on April 30? Does this mean they won't be able to do it because the government site can't handle the traffic? It would appear so. I called them last night (when I was first having problems) and they told me everything was working fine so what was my problem. Today, however, I had a sweet girl who tried this line at first "do you have a firewall that is preventing this?". Ummmmm, no, I just paid a bill in my online banking and checked my Mastercard balance so I think I can get into secure sites. Then she puts me on hold and comes back with this bit about the system being rather busy because it's the 28th.
I guess it's a good thing I still have two whole months to file this bloody thing. It just might take me that long to get through!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
BRF - Psalm 119 (should I call this BRSaturday or even BRSunday?)
Oh dear, a sheepish post is coming. I read the scripture daily, but I cannot put into words my thoughts in full.
All I can say is that I'm really pleased that I was given the challenge of reading this scripture daily. What perfect timing was it to read about the love of God's precepts, laws etc. when I was starting a new job and might forget that God is the sole provide of my needs (both physical and spiritual). Heck, I could read these passages daily from here to eternity and never find a day when they do not encourage or apply to my life and yet I am not even close in verbosity (like this new word of mine? A good scrabble word don't ya know) to the author of this book. I will constantly and consistently fall short of the mark.
Thank you to the ladies who started this group to reading our life manual and thank you God for leading me in this direction. Although I may have nothing of value to say or share about your word, you know that it is "a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path". (Can y'all hear Amy Grant singing right now??? Yikes! I might be aging myself here. I know my girls (11 & 13) know the song, but they have not a clue who Amy Grant is. Yet, I digress!)
Back to the scriptures: I love your laws, I love your precepts etc. etc. God, you are awesome! (Anyone who knows me WELL knows I do NOT speak like this) Why not? Because I am NOT in sync with my saviour. I do NOT know Him even remotely like He knows me. I am a mere sinner saved by grace.
Ugh, I'm so off in left field I'm scaring even me!
Bottom line is that I'm reading the scriptures daily now and may or may not have something to write on Fridays (or Saturdays, Sundays etc.) but please know that this is not a failed project. Nothing is truly a failure that has God's word at the centre.
All I can say is that I'm really pleased that I was given the challenge of reading this scripture daily. What perfect timing was it to read about the love of God's precepts, laws etc. when I was starting a new job and might forget that God is the sole provide of my needs (both physical and spiritual). Heck, I could read these passages daily from here to eternity and never find a day when they do not encourage or apply to my life and yet I am not even close in verbosity (like this new word of mine? A good scrabble word don't ya know) to the author of this book. I will constantly and consistently fall short of the mark.
Thank you to the ladies who started this group to reading our life manual and thank you God for leading me in this direction. Although I may have nothing of value to say or share about your word, you know that it is "a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path". (Can y'all hear Amy Grant singing right now??? Yikes! I might be aging myself here. I know my girls (11 & 13) know the song, but they have not a clue who Amy Grant is. Yet, I digress!)
Back to the scriptures: I love your laws, I love your precepts etc. etc. God, you are awesome! (Anyone who knows me WELL knows I do NOT speak like this) Why not? Because I am NOT in sync with my saviour. I do NOT know Him even remotely like He knows me. I am a mere sinner saved by grace.
Ugh, I'm so off in left field I'm scaring even me!
Bottom line is that I'm reading the scriptures daily now and may or may not have something to write on Fridays (or Saturdays, Sundays etc.) but please know that this is not a failed project. Nothing is truly a failure that has God's word at the centre.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Vacation's over!
Well, I am now an employed stiff again. I have taken the job with BMO Nesbitt Burns as an administrative assistant. I start my new job today. There will be some adjusting to do (like getting dressed in the morning), but I am happy to be back to work. I did not have rent money for next month. It would appear that I will now.
Praise God for His perfect timing!
Praise God for His perfect timing!
Monday, February 19, 2007
New Tribes Mission
Yesterday I invited a missionary couple with their children for lunch after church. They were in Venezuela and are awaiting confirmation of their deployment to Papua New Guinea. The mission they are involved in it called New Tribes Mission (NTM). This group's mission is to reach the many tribes of the world that are not being reached with the gospel at all. This means they have to learn the language of the tribe, transcribe the scriptures into the tribal language, and teach. This can, apparently, take up to 20 years to do with any single tribe. There are still over 3,000 tribes who are not being reached with the gospel. What a huge mission field!
Friday, February 16, 2007
BRF - Ephesians
Oh my goodness! Where do I start? I think we should have split this week into chapters 1 - 3 and then 4 - 6 next week. There's just soooooo much here. I will just share a bit from each chapter. The best thing about the scriptures is that there is nothing that isn't important and nothing that doesn't apply to us.
Chapter 1:13 - 14 says "Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession". Again here is talk of a seal. What a wonderful promise this is that we have been marked upon our belief. I love the guarantee. It's not a 1 year or 3 year guarantee, but it is a lifetime guarantee. What an awesome God!
Chapter 2:10 reminds me that although I may not like myself much a lot of the time, God chose to make me as He did. I am His workmanship. He makes no mistakes.
2:11 - 22 describes the new covenant with Christ. During the time prior to Jesus' entry and departure the Jews and Gentiles were quite separate. The cross ended this division. These verses describe peace to you who were far away and peace to you who are near. We are united and all can have peace through the cross.
2:22 describes us as a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. I know that much of my behaviour is not at all God-honouring. I must remember that the Holy Spirit dwells in me at all times, even when I'm gossiping, slandering, self-focused etc. I need to clean up the dwelling place of my heart.
3:13 "I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory." I'm not quite sure about this one. It sounds like a statement that would be made to God, but not to other men.
I love the benediction at the end of chapter 3. The statement that He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine is very strong. I cannot imagine what God can do. I know He has made many promises, but my juvenille human mind cannot fathom the full potential. Imagine if we could live life to the fullest! What would this world be like? It sort of reminds me of all the environmental talk of late. We didn't start trying to clean up our act when Kyoto was enacted because it would cost too much and we couldn't do enough because the US wasn't going to participate. If we had done this when it was enacted we would most certainly be seeing results now. It's harder to act upon now, however, because things are worse. I don't want to delay results for God. It's so much more important in the grand scheme of things. Lives are at stake.
4:29 jumps out at me because I am guilty guilty guilty!! Unwholesome talk is just so easy to engage in. I can change this, but I choose not to. This doesn't only take place outside the church but it may even be more commonplace in the church. Think of how many times we have judged another brother or sister and have verbalized it to another church member or worse yet, to someone outside the church. We must choose our words wisely to build one another up. It reminds me of the old saying about not putting your mouth in motion before putting your mind in gear. I MUST start thinking before speaking.
Chapter 5 is getting even heavier. Sexual impurity, greed, obscenity, foolish talk, coarse talk etc. are all being compared to idolatry. These things are NOT God-ordained. I worship God and yet I also worship idols according to this. Yet another area of duality in my life.
Hmmmmm, seeing a pattern here? Yep, we must focus on God. There are no acceptable alternatives when we have chosen to live our lives for Him. He lived here as a perfect example of the life we should live. I'm so not even close.
Chapter 6 lists the items we need to do battle for Christ. Battle? But we're supposed to have it easy once we commit to Christ aren't we? C'mon now God, I am supposed to have eternal peace now. AS IF! We are in the battles of our lives once we commit to joining God's army. He gives us everything we need to fight the battle. We do not need to go out there unprepared . . . but we do! I think back to last week and my realization that I'd never read Haggai. Why not? It's another piece of the equipment God has given me and yet I don't pick up my sword for battle. The enemy is fully equipped as well and not stupid. I am stupid. God picked me, however, a sinful stupid moron to battle for Him. He makes no mistakes, so I have to believe that I can help to win the battle.
Geez my thoughts are disorganized. I am so NOT a writer. If you got to the end of this, I'm impressed!
Chapter 1:13 - 14 says "Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession". Again here is talk of a seal. What a wonderful promise this is that we have been marked upon our belief. I love the guarantee. It's not a 1 year or 3 year guarantee, but it is a lifetime guarantee. What an awesome God!
Chapter 2:10 reminds me that although I may not like myself much a lot of the time, God chose to make me as He did. I am His workmanship. He makes no mistakes.
2:11 - 22 describes the new covenant with Christ. During the time prior to Jesus' entry and departure the Jews and Gentiles were quite separate. The cross ended this division. These verses describe peace to you who were far away and peace to you who are near. We are united and all can have peace through the cross.
2:22 describes us as a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. I know that much of my behaviour is not at all God-honouring. I must remember that the Holy Spirit dwells in me at all times, even when I'm gossiping, slandering, self-focused etc. I need to clean up the dwelling place of my heart.
3:13 "I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory." I'm not quite sure about this one. It sounds like a statement that would be made to God, but not to other men.
I love the benediction at the end of chapter 3. The statement that He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine is very strong. I cannot imagine what God can do. I know He has made many promises, but my juvenille human mind cannot fathom the full potential. Imagine if we could live life to the fullest! What would this world be like? It sort of reminds me of all the environmental talk of late. We didn't start trying to clean up our act when Kyoto was enacted because it would cost too much and we couldn't do enough because the US wasn't going to participate. If we had done this when it was enacted we would most certainly be seeing results now. It's harder to act upon now, however, because things are worse. I don't want to delay results for God. It's so much more important in the grand scheme of things. Lives are at stake.
4:29 jumps out at me because I am guilty guilty guilty!! Unwholesome talk is just so easy to engage in. I can change this, but I choose not to. This doesn't only take place outside the church but it may even be more commonplace in the church. Think of how many times we have judged another brother or sister and have verbalized it to another church member or worse yet, to someone outside the church. We must choose our words wisely to build one another up. It reminds me of the old saying about not putting your mouth in motion before putting your mind in gear. I MUST start thinking before speaking.
Chapter 5 is getting even heavier. Sexual impurity, greed, obscenity, foolish talk, coarse talk etc. are all being compared to idolatry. These things are NOT God-ordained. I worship God and yet I also worship idols according to this. Yet another area of duality in my life.
Hmmmmm, seeing a pattern here? Yep, we must focus on God. There are no acceptable alternatives when we have chosen to live our lives for Him. He lived here as a perfect example of the life we should live. I'm so not even close.
Chapter 6 lists the items we need to do battle for Christ. Battle? But we're supposed to have it easy once we commit to Christ aren't we? C'mon now God, I am supposed to have eternal peace now. AS IF! We are in the battles of our lives once we commit to joining God's army. He gives us everything we need to fight the battle. We do not need to go out there unprepared . . . but we do! I think back to last week and my realization that I'd never read Haggai. Why not? It's another piece of the equipment God has given me and yet I don't pick up my sword for battle. The enemy is fully equipped as well and not stupid. I am stupid. God picked me, however, a sinful stupid moron to battle for Him. He makes no mistakes, so I have to believe that I can help to win the battle.
Geez my thoughts are disorganized. I am so NOT a writer. If you got to the end of this, I'm impressed!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Exchange email scanning servers
Okay, so this is a little crazy! I sent an email to a certain tuba-playing friend of mine and was quite disturbed by the fact that he didn't respond to me. I thought, "Hey, guess he's a little overwhelmed by me and yet he can't seem to tell me this".
So, earlier tonight I was looking at my sent emails and wondering why I don't have them set up to automatically delete. While scrolling through I accidentally red flagged one. I decided to look at it (in case I had red flagged it previously for a reason . . . AS IF!) and I discovered that the content of the email wasn't there and that my server did not allow the email to be delivered. It says "REASON::= RACIAL DISCRIMINATION".
For the life of me I couldn't understand what, exactly, I said in that email that might constitute racial discrimination and then I realized I had used the term "redneck". Last I knew that wasn't a race. It's almost as bad as the site I tried to set up a log in for a few years ago that wouldn't let me use ajewell (my first initial and last name) because it contained the word "jew" in it. We're getting just a wee bit over-sensitive here, aren't we????
Sheesh! Next thing you know I won't be able to use tuba-player slurs in public either.
BTW, I did apologize to said low brass player for my negative thoughts about him. Of course, I only apologized for the thoughts relating to his lack of reply to my email and not my general negative thoughts about a trumpet player wannabe.
So, earlier tonight I was looking at my sent emails and wondering why I don't have them set up to automatically delete. While scrolling through I accidentally red flagged one. I decided to look at it (in case I had red flagged it previously for a reason . . . AS IF!) and I discovered that the content of the email wasn't there and that my server did not allow the email to be delivered. It says "REASON::= RACIAL DISCRIMINATION".
For the life of me I couldn't understand what, exactly, I said in that email that might constitute racial discrimination and then I realized I had used the term "redneck". Last I knew that wasn't a race. It's almost as bad as the site I tried to set up a log in for a few years ago that wouldn't let me use ajewell (my first initial and last name) because it contained the word "jew" in it. We're getting just a wee bit over-sensitive here, aren't we????
Sheesh! Next thing you know I won't be able to use tuba-player slurs in public either.
BTW, I did apologize to said low brass player for my negative thoughts about him. Of course, I only apologized for the thoughts relating to his lack of reply to my email and not my general negative thoughts about a trumpet player wannabe.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Book Review Fridays - Haggai
Okay, so I'm going to join a growing blogging group of women who are reading a book of the bible weekly and then reviewing on Friday. I think for the most part I am not going to be sharing any great wisdom, but I'll share what God lays on my heart.
First of all I have to say that I don't know that I've ever really read Haggai. I'm a self-proclaimed lazy scripture reader. Maybe this BRF will help me to get to know the scriptures better.
Anyhow, I loved Haggai. Short, simple and to the point. I really felt that the overall message of this book was directed right at me and it was saying "If God isn't the focus of your life, you will not have a full life". Imagine that!
I love how in 1:5 it says "Give careful thought to your ways", in 1:6 he spells out how foolish we are and then repeats in 1:7 "Give careful thought to your ways". It's like talking to a child when we give them a list of duties and then repeat them to be sure they were listening. Sadly, God has to repeat Himself over and over for me and yet I just don't seem to retain.
In 2:12 - 13 it says "If a person carries consecrated meat in the fold of his garment, and that fold touches some bread or stew, some wine, oil or other food, does it become consecrated?' " The priests answered, "No." Then Haggai said, "If a person defiled by contact with a dead body touches one of these things, does it become defiled?" "Yes," the priests replied, "it becomes defiled." This is a big one for me. I have a computer addiction, television, and friends who are far from wholesome. It says to me that I will become unclean by my affiliations as opposed to the affiliations becoming clean. Of course, I know this doesn't mean to completely put away those that are unclean (as Jesus, Himself, most certainly did not), but it means to keep yourself pure and clean. This, for me, means a constant reminding of the relationship I have with Christ so that I may not stumble and fall away from Him.
Overall there is a theme in this book that if we do not focus on God then we will not reap full rewards. Hey, ain't that the truth! What a great book Haggai is to return our focus to the One who created us and who sacrificed so greatly on our behalf. If we keep our eyes focused heavenward, then we will be fully blessed with His riches.
First of all I have to say that I don't know that I've ever really read Haggai. I'm a self-proclaimed lazy scripture reader. Maybe this BRF will help me to get to know the scriptures better.
Anyhow, I loved Haggai. Short, simple and to the point. I really felt that the overall message of this book was directed right at me and it was saying "If God isn't the focus of your life, you will not have a full life". Imagine that!
I love how in 1:5 it says "Give careful thought to your ways", in 1:6 he spells out how foolish we are and then repeats in 1:7 "Give careful thought to your ways". It's like talking to a child when we give them a list of duties and then repeat them to be sure they were listening. Sadly, God has to repeat Himself over and over for me and yet I just don't seem to retain.
In 2:12 - 13 it says "If a person carries consecrated meat in the fold of his garment, and that fold touches some bread or stew, some wine, oil or other food, does it become consecrated?' " The priests answered, "No." Then Haggai said, "If a person defiled by contact with a dead body touches one of these things, does it become defiled?" "Yes," the priests replied, "it becomes defiled." This is a big one for me. I have a computer addiction, television, and friends who are far from wholesome. It says to me that I will become unclean by my affiliations as opposed to the affiliations becoming clean. Of course, I know this doesn't mean to completely put away those that are unclean (as Jesus, Himself, most certainly did not), but it means to keep yourself pure and clean. This, for me, means a constant reminding of the relationship I have with Christ so that I may not stumble and fall away from Him.
Overall there is a theme in this book that if we do not focus on God then we will not reap full rewards. Hey, ain't that the truth! What a great book Haggai is to return our focus to the One who created us and who sacrificed so greatly on our behalf. If we keep our eyes focused heavenward, then we will be fully blessed with His riches.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I just wrote a long and clever post only to have it disappear on me. Now I'm going to have to try to remember all of that wisdom to rewrite.
Hmmmm . . .
Oh yeah, I have another job prospect. The person who had offered me employment previously passed my resume along to another employer while I was away on vacation. I interviewed two weeks ago and had a call back late last Friday (testing my lack of patience) to say they would like to further pursue hiring me. I am meeting with them again today. Praise God for his timing!
I have been continuing my weight loss battle and so far I am winning. I'm officially down 46 lbs now. I bought a new pair of jeans a couple weeks ago and was feeling particularly good, so Bex took a couple photos.

Church has been wonderful! I have been singing in the praise group weekly. It seems I am the only soprano in the bunch (there are at least six altos!!). I am getting this week off, though. The timing is perfect as Luke, Jenn and I are hosting some University students for lunch after church. I'm really looking forward to getting to know some of them a bit better.
I have been going to the women's bible study on Thursday nights while the girls are at Reach. It's been a good fit as the girls love their program which starts right after school and both end at 8:00.
Last week I got to play trumpet for the Prime Time group. They are such a wonderful group of people. I was honoured to have been given the opportunity to perform for them. It didn't hurt that they fed me a lovely lunch either.
In my spare time (when???) I've been running the girls to soccer practices. Right now they have practices as follows:
Sunday 4:00 - 5:30 - Bex in Waterloo
Monday 6:00 - 8:00 - Shannon in Guelph
Wednesday 8:30 - 10:00 - Both girls in Guelph
Friday 6:00 - 7:30 - Shannon in Waterloo
There have also been a few Tuesday night Waterloo scrimmages for Bex and there are a few Saturday morning practices in the near future for Shannon.
So, there's the monthly update on me and my life (or lack thereof).
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