Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter every day?

Well, the Easter weekend is pretty much over for me. The girls are off tomorrow, but I must work. It's been a great weekend. It started with a Good Friday pancake breakfast and church service with reflections on the cross. It ended today with my playing a catholic mass at 9:00, grabbing Becky from our church where she was in nursery for first service and running to join Shannon, my parents and my brother's family at Mom and Dad's church for 11:00 where I could get some spiritual nourishment post-mass. We then came home, had a feast, watched part of video 2 of the Gospel According to Matthew, napped and then watched the rest of video 2.

With all this good Christian fellowship (eating), worship and reflection, I wonder if I can continue to have Easter daily or if in a week or so I'll be back to my content self, having forgotten the discomfort Christ endured for us? Will I continue to be a Peter who knows Jesus, but who will deny him when the chips are down?

I know only time will tell, but I am certain of one thing: We, as a Christian family, MUST continue to share the Good News that Jesus Christ DID rise from the dead and that he is sitting on the right hand of God our Father and will return for his flock! Whereas Jesus had such a passion for us, we must continue to do His work on earth and have a passion for lost souls.

May we continue to increase His flock.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Eagle Cam

I've become a bit of an addict to the Eagle Eye Cam from British Columbia. This is just so cool. You just keep watching this mama eagle to see if she moves off the eggs at all, how she's surviving herself etc.


I find it rather frustrating at this time of year that I go to a church that is so 21st century (praise band-no organ) that they don't see a trumpet as a necessity at Easter. So, here we go again. I'm playing in a church in Elora, denomination unknown right now except to say that it will probably be yet ANOTHER boring Easter service. I have had no less than five phone calls from churches as far away as Toronto looking for a player.

I guess I should look at the bright side in that it's a paying gig.